what she does

ARTISTIC DIRECTOR of The Roar Ensemble
FREELANCE: Theatre Maker/Dramaturg and Trainer

Based in Cardiff, Louise is an experienced, award winning theatre maker who strives to create visually sumptious, surprising theatre with powerful, affecting narratives. She is excited by working with creative people and processes that are richly collaborative, demanding and raw.
Trained originally as an Actress, she has worked as Writer and Director in Theatre, Television, Radio and Film – serving her time scripting on serial T.V drama. It was in the heady (well funded!) 'laboratory' days as Artistic Director of Theatr Powys for twelve years that Louise developed both her directorial practice and her love for community based projects.
Since moving to Cardiff in 2003 she has worked with Sherman Theatre Cymru, The National Theatre of Wales, Hijinx Theatre (Associate Director), Sherman Youth Theatre, Mersey T.V and Channel 4 (Hollyoaks Script Team – 35 eps) B.B.C Radio 4, I.T.V. Welsh National Opera (MAX) Likely Story Theatre and many smaller companies.
She has also collaborated and taught with the University of Cardiff and tutors regularly on the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama's YAS Studio Programme.


In September 2015 Louise trained to be a Creative Agent and Practitioner on this new scheme with the Arts Council of Wales and Wales Assembly Govt. Seeking to put ‘creativity’ at the heart of the curriculum, Louise will be working in several schools next year both brokering new relationships between schools and artists and working as a practitioner herself.


Louise will continue her work with Street Dance Company Jukebox during 2016 – as writer/mentor and sometimes director alongside choreographer Liara Barussi.